Oh... ok! That makes a lot of sense, actually. Thanks so much for answering my question! Are you going to school or anything for this type of research? You really should, because the degree that you explained it to me sounds very scholarly (but in terms that I can understand) and you should be making money doing it! And if you thoroughly enjoy that kind of work, that's all you would really need in life: to get paid to do what you love ;)
Keep me posted on any kind of new findings in your quest for knowledge!
Sounds like interesting research. Hey maybe you can answer a question that I've had for a long time. How come I can never remember my dreams anymore?? I used to have vivid and memorable dreams all the time when I was a child, but never anymore.
You know dreams are manifestations of your unconsiousness so it's actually really straightforward that you can't remember because, your consiousness is active now and when you sleep you actually shut off your consiousness.
When you are a kid your neural pathways are developing so your dreams have an higher chance to linger in your frontal brainpart (and the neocortex but it is a little more advanced and isn't needed to explain this)where your consiousness "lives" so you'll remember the dreams.
The theory behind al this always more than this but I hope it's a little more clear now.