Emotional, Good
To the review below me, (Cauterised)
I don't know what your problem is but have you read the description of this semi-interactive movie or not, because it was pretty clear about this NOT-GAME in the front page link.
Also if you don't like it why take the time to play it and review it then?
Your description of this "indie Bullshit" while this is just a good message about the cruelty of the things that are inflicted on innocents in Cambodia, is wrong; Indie games and those kind of stuff are NOT semi-Interactive movies and also This is a FLASH game or a WEB game wich is pretty different stuff compared to indiegames.
Your careless comparison of those two TOTALLY different areas gives me the Idea of a careless thought thrown to the masses because he or she did not read the description. Also Games do not always need to have a strategy thing in it, search for the description of the word GAME, wich also could be used to EDUCATE about things. Like this one...
By the way I like this interactive movie, it shows your concern about Cambodia It also brings the message in a really nice way, the music fitted with the theme and I liked how it is worked out. While it is pretty simple it HAS the feeling I think you want to convey.
Headhunter Xamd Signing off
P.S: I don't want to insult some people about their opinion IF it has FACTS to back it up, It frustrates me to no end that there are always some people who just review to bash some hopefull people who just want to say something.