The brain...
It's a interesting subject because we only know for 40% of wat goes really on in our brain.
I want to explain why some people can enjoy parajumping:
There is a part in your brain what is called the Hippocampus, this is the brain part that makes the stuff that makes you feel good. while some people have the connection between the hippocampus and the brainpart where the adrenalin is made there are also people that have an connection between thalamus and the hipppocampus (and there are more variations).
The first sort of person is an adrenalin junkie because when your jump out of an plane you will create adrenalin in your brain and when that's going the connection between this part and the hippocampus will cause for an very good feeling. and when you are the other kind of person you will be feeling very good when you completed an very difficult question (see scientists) and thats also because of the connection between those two parts.
Is it possible to be somewhere in between? I only ask because that's what I feel like I am. ;) heh I love your news posts, man
Ah, thats the interesting part, everyone is unique. You simply cannot have exactly the same connection, because those connections are made when you grow up (I think about till your mid thirties) and they are only made when some and certain things happen. Your memories (your history is never the same as an other) makes you, and you make your memories. are a part of the reason why no one has the same live you have, it's simply impossible. so as an simple answer on your question, Yes you can be in between.